Investigator III

Jul 25 2024
City and County of Honolulu |Honolulu|Full Time
Job Description

* View the complete Job Description at​/07/06/investigator-iii-domestic-violence​-investigation-law-enforcement/


Job Type: Full-Time Temporary
Department:​ Prosecuting Attorney


This position serves as a member of a prosecution team and independently conducts investigations of cases being considered or readied for prosecution that range in complexity, confidentiality, and technicality, including the most confidential and sensitive investigations. The incumbent works under the general direction of the Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in charge of a case or under the general supervision of a higher-level investigator. The position requires independent judgment in conducting investigations; comprehensive knowledge of investigative methods and techniques; comprehensive interviewing and interrogation techniques; the ability to interpret laws, ordinances, rules and regulations; provide security and protection of others; and the physical abilities and skills to apply use-of-force techniques, control and self-projection techniques, including the use of a firearm as appropriate.


Incumbent must be physically able and qualified to handle and use a firearm because of the potential dangers posed by crime suspects and hostile witnesses who may be armed or otherwise be able to inflict bodily injury to the investigator. The incumbent is a sworn law enforcement officer with the same powers and privileges of a police officer as provided by the revised Charter of the City and County of Honolulu. These appointed duties and responsibilities places the incumbent in dangerous or potentially dangerous situations requiring investigators to be armed and proficient in the use of firearms to protect themselves and the public.


Many cases investigated by the incumbent are associated with narcotics or violent crimes. Routine tasks can suddenly become violent struggles. In addition, many duties (enforcement in nature and formerly under the Honolulu Police Department) have been assumed by the Department of the Prosecuting Attorney. This includes routinely seeking out and arresting material witnesses and defendants named in arrest warrants. These individuals may have histories of violent behavior and access to firearms.


The incumbent uses arrest powers, use-of-force skills and firearm capability not only to provide time sensitive trial support to our deputy prosecuting attorneys, but also to participate in joint multi-law enforcement task force operations; safeguarding and conducting investigations pertaining to threats directed at prosecutors and other departmental personnel; resolving threat assessments; providing security and protecting trial witness from harm; and conducting specialized investigations involving economic, environmental and public corruption crimes.


The incumbent must also be physically fit and agile to apply reasonable force in light of the facts and circumstances at all times, depending on the severity of the crime, the threat to the safety of the investigator and others, and the level of resistance and the person’s overall behavior. The incumbent must be physically able to apply the different levels of force or control. They are (from lowest to highest):

  • Investigator Presence and Verbal Directions
  • Soft Empty Hand Technique
  • Hard Empty Hand Technique
  • Intermediate Weapons/Chemical Weapons
  • Deadly Force /Firearms
  • The incumbent is responsible for determining and using the appropriate level of force that is expected to succeed in controlling the situation. Investigators are not required to move step by step through the levels of control. Skipping levels may be reasonable given the resistance encountered. An investigator is not expected to use unarmed tactics or chemical agent on a subject who is violent and armed with a weapon. If a subject escalates or de-escalates his/her level of resistance, investigators can respond by adjusting according to the model while retaining a level of advantage to remain in control of the situation.
  • Besides the subject’s resistance, there are other factors that can affect the physical level of control, such as the nature of the offense, the size of the subject relative to the investigator, the skill level of the subject relative to the investigator, the sex of the investigator and the subject, age of the investigator and the subject, physical limitation and the relative strength of the parties, multiple aggressors, close proximity, injury or exhaustion of the investigator, the imminent probability of danger, the presence of a weapon or potential weapon, etc.
  • Since confrontations occur in environments that are tense, uncertain, and rapidly evolving, the incumbent must have the physical ability, firearm qualification, and use of force training to use the tools and tactics appropriate to the standards of reasonableness.





Training and Experience: A combination of education and experience substantially equivalent to graduation from an accredited college or university with major work in police science, sociology, psychology, public administration or a related field and three years of investigational or law enforcement experience.


Licenses or Certificates Requirement: Possession of a valid Hawaii State driver’s license (Type 3) and current firearms qualification.


Special Work Requirements: Must be qualified to possess, carry, and have access to firearms and ammunition in accordance with applicable state and federal laws; possesses law enforcement officer arrest powers; chases and apprehends persons, applies reasonable force and different levels of force or control; may use firearm in situations of potential danger from suspects and hostile witnesses; provides security and protection of trial witnesses; works under time constraints and deadlines; confidentiality of information; may work after hours, weekends, and holidays for special investigations and other work.


In addition to providing important services to the public, employment with the City & County of Honolulu has many excellent benefits including:

  • Vacation: Employees may earn up to 21 days per year.
  • Sick Leave: Employees may earn up to 21 days per year.
  • Holidays: 13 days a year; 14 days during election years.
  • Training and Development: Computer, career, and personal enhancement courses are offered; curriculum designed for employee, supervisory, and management development.
  • Medical, Dental, Prescription Drug, and Vision Care: Various health insurance plans are available. Premiums are subsidized by the City and deductible from pre-tax income for participants of the Premium Conversion Plan (PCP).
  • Group Life Insurance: No cost for eligible employees.
  • Deferred Compensation Plan: Invest in your future…choose to defer part of your pre-tax income for retirement.
  • Retirement Plan: The Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) of the State of Hawaii administers retirement benefits for State and County employees. Employee contribution required.
  • Commuter Choice Pre-Tax Benefits: Employees may designate certain transportation expenses (TheBus, LOTMA, Vanpool Hawaii, etc.) as a pre-tax item
  • Parking: Some job locations offer parking on-site; others may have access to parking at low monthly rates.
  • Direct Deposit: Direct deposit of paychecks to a designated financial institution is available.
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Confidential, professional counseling and resource referral.
  • Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program: A federal program forgiving the balance of federal student loans for individuals working in public service. For program requirements and additional information, please visit:​veness-cancellation/public-service

 To view additional information, please visit our Benefits of City Employment page:​ts.html


* All benefits as stated above, are subject to eligibility requirements and to legislative and/or negotiated changes. Individuals are responsible for any related fees or charges that may apply.


At time of application, you must be a citizen, national or permanent resident alien of the United States or a non-citizen eligible under Federal law for unrestricted employment.


The City and County of Honolulu is an Equal Opportunity Employer